WEINHIER Update 8 coming to your computer soon !

As Nietzsche said, anything which doesn't kill you makes you stronger

Finally my partner Brendan Howell and I (above in drinking mode in Berlin-Kreuzberg) have good news. After crashing into a brick wall due to serious technical difficulties immediately before our planned launch at 6pm on Tuesday, 17th May for a while we feared it might take several months to get WEINHIER up and running fully. However, the last couple of weeks saw dramatic progress at the construction site of our ambitious virtual communal residence. With our fingers crossed, we  now anounce that on Friday, 17th June – exactly half a year after Brendan and I took our momentous decision  – WEINHIER will go online. Anyone who already registered, or who registers by then, will recieve an email tellingyou exactly when you can start building your own page and start using our interactive functions . Until then, visit the ongoing Darth Mosel story at www.weinhier.de

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