New York Riesling Diary: Day 29 – What is in the Feiring Line? + comment by Justin Christoph
What is a close up of a cauliflower doing at the top of this posting? Well, today we’re heading back into the Feiring Line, because in her book ‚Naked Wine’ (Da Capo Press, Cambridge/MA, 2012) Alice Feiring raises an issue … Continue reading
New York Riesling Diary: Day 25 – New Jersey, the Ultimate “wrong” Wine Region + comment by Justin Christoph
It seemed to be exactly the right moment to visit the ultimate „wrong“ wine growing region: New Jersey. A couple of weeks back German-born economist Karl Storchmann of New York University and the American Association of Wine Economists persuaded me … Continue reading
New York Riesling Diary: Day 23 – Where and who is in the Feiring line?
New York wine writer Alice Feiring doesn’t seem to be interested in Riesling, so why am I writing about her today? Well, her work brings up something crucial about wine geography. That’s an vitat subject, because people think about wine … Continue reading
New York Riesling Diary: Day 21 – Designer Steven Solomon, the Brian Eno of Wine + comment by Justin Christoph
Who tops the celebrity list in the Riesling Who’s Who of America? There’s no question in my mind, that it’s Paul Grieco, the self-proclaimed Riesling Overlord of the New York wine scene. When he won the James Beard Award … Continue reading
New York Riesling Diary: Day 19 – Why all this Fuss about Riesling?
Note: I just made a few important changes to this. The heavy cold I had when I wrote it dulled my mind slightly. Thankfully I’m feeling a lot better and clearer in my head today. Maybe it’s all just … Continue reading
New York Riesling Diary: Day 18 – My Moment of Global Revelation (thank you Paul Grieco!)
Last night at Freeman’s restaurant in Freeman Alley on the Lower East Side (see it suddenly struck me that so far I’ve avoided telling the story of how STUART PIGOTT RIESLING GLOBAL came into existence. That’s a serious mistake, … Continue reading
New York Riesling Diary: Day 17 – would your rather your wine was corked or get elegantly screwed?
Darn it! I wanted to put off the theme of corks versus screw cap closure for Riesling and other wines, because so much has already been written about it, but my hand was forced by the events of yesterday evening. … Continue reading
New York Riesling Diary: Day 16 – Does it really have to be Riesling?
Of course not! As the above photo proves. It’s not even wine that’s being poured into my glass, but apple juice. I took the photo June 22nd, 2007 and in Oslo/Norway during a trip searching for the most northerly wines … Continue reading
New York Riesling Diary: Day 15 – Manhattan Aroma Mystery (in which Wine Science meets Wine Sex)
Above is the first photo (thank you Carla Rzeszewski of The Breslin!) of my right forearm since Nuco of North Star Tattoo ( on East 7th Street decorated it with s piece of my florid handwriting back on November 28th. … Continue reading
New York Riesling Diary: Day 13 – Smells like Riesling Spirit
Riesling is rightly regarded as an aromatic white wine, and the most important aspect of its aroma is no less rightly described described as being fruity. That’s nothing new. A century ago the leading experts described Riesling as being the … Continue reading