Monthly Archives: December 2012
New York Riesling Diary: Day 18 – My Moment of Global Revelation (thank you Paul Grieco!)
Last night at Freeman’s restaurant in Freeman Alley on the Lower East Side (see it suddenly struck me that so far I’ve avoided telling the story of how STUART PIGOTT RIESLING GLOBAL came into existence. That’s a serious mistake, … Continue reading
New York Riesling Diary: Day 17 – would your rather your wine was corked or get elegantly screwed?
Darn it! I wanted to put off the theme of corks versus screw cap closure for Riesling and other wines, because so much has already been written about it, but my hand was forced by the events of yesterday evening. … Continue reading
New York Riesling Diary: Day 16 – Does it really have to be Riesling?
Of course not! As the above photo proves. It’s not even wine that’s being poured into my glass, but apple juice. I took the photo June 22nd, 2007 and in Oslo/Norway during a trip searching for the most northerly wines … Continue reading
New York Riesling Diary: Day 15 – Manhattan Aroma Mystery (in which Wine Science meets Wine Sex)
Above is the first photo (thank you Carla Rzeszewski of The Breslin!) of my right forearm since Nuco of North Star Tattoo ( on East 7th Street decorated it with s piece of my florid handwriting back on November 28th. … Continue reading
New York Riesling Diary: Day 13 – Smells like Riesling Spirit
Riesling is rightly regarded as an aromatic white wine, and the most important aspect of its aroma is no less rightly described described as being fruity. That’s nothing new. A century ago the leading experts described Riesling as being the … Continue reading
New York Riesling Diary: Day 12
I make no apologies for returning to the subject of the dry Rieslings of the Rhienhessen region where you can see Klaus-Peter Keller of the Keller estate in Flörsheim-Dalsheim selectively harvesting Riesling grapes in the vineyards of Nierstein. Honestly, … Continue reading
New York Riesling Diary: Day 11 – Opening the Doors of Perception
OK, it smells good, but it’s only wine…only Riesling. With these and similar words those lacking in awareness or imagination seek to dismiss not only the global Riesling phenomenon as insignificant, but try to reduce wine of all kinds to … Continue reading
New York Riesling Diary: Day 10
Once again I have to put back the story of Riesling and the mystery of aroma for another day, because as they say in America “stuff happens”. At short notice I reorganized my schedule for yesterday evening so that I … Continue reading
New York Riesling Diary: Day 9
Today was a very busy day, also thanks to Bruce Jack chief winemaker of the Accolade Wines South Africa group, which includes the Flagstone winery he founded. We first met a decade ago when Flagstone had not yet become part … Continue reading
Wein des Monats Dezember 2012
2012 Riesling „Visión“ von Cono Sur für Euro 13,30 Was zum Teufel tut ein chilenischer Riesling als Wein des Monats bei mir kurz vor Weihnachten? Kaum jemand kennt die Riesling-Weine Chiles, und wer einen probiert, sagt meist, „nicht schlecht, aber … Continue reading